Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay, I am a huge holiday lover. Both the big holidays, like Christmas and Valentine's Day, and the little holidays, like S'mores Day and Best Friends Day. I know many people don't celebrate S'mores Day, and that is perfectly fine. Honestly, there are what my husband calls "made up holidays" everyday of the year, and we can't possibly celebrate every single one, but let me tell you why I think we moms should celebrate them more often.

First of all, they are fun! Who doesn't like S'mores? I know my kids sure do, and they enjoy celebrating all of these silly holidays with me. Taking a bubble bath is nice, but taking one on Bubble Bath Day, which is January 8th, is even more special. Honestly, I never give my kids a bubble bath, so if it weren't for a day like this, they may never experience this truly relaxing indulgence.

Secondly, these random, but fun, holidays create memories that will last a lifetime. Surely your children will look back on some of these days fondly. They may not remember that it was International Talk Like A Pirate Day, but they are likely to remember mommy talking like a goofball pirate. It's also possible that they will remember the wonderful talk you had at Dunkin Donuts on a rainy day when they were 8, but they probably won't remember that the talk happened on National Donut Day. That is quite alright.

My favorite reason, however, is that these days can be used to teach your children many different things. On Say Something Nice Day you can teach your children the importance of speaking kindly to others. Space Day can be used to read an informational, albeit age appropriate, book to your children about the planets. When National Cake Day rolls around, you can teach your child how to make your grandmother's Cinnamon Pound Cake, but I can promise that won't be the only thing you teach that day. You will also teach that family is important and fractions are useful.

I could go on and on about why you should celebrate these silly, random, and sometimes bizarre holidays with your children. I am very passionate about holidays, if you couldn't tell. I do hope that I have convinced at least one, okay two, of you to start celebrating. Your kids are ready to have some fun and possibly new experiences, create some memories, and learn something new. I can promise you that! Throughout the month I will post holidays that are coming up, so check back often.


1 comment:

  1. I want a bubble bath now! : ) Do I have to wait until Jan 8th? Just checking... These are great Dawn!
