Here is another great devotion to do with your children. Thanks to Laura Walters for sharing this with us during our May meeting.
Teaching Point: We can ask Jesus to be our forever friend, and he will be with us--forever!
Scripture: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son; that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Materials Needed:
clear cup for each child filled 3/4 full with milk
chocolate syrup
red paper heart-laid on top of the cup of milk
*Words written in
bold are when you, the parent, are speaking.
Read the verse written above. Explain-
God loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to die for us, so that our sins can be forgotten and we can live with Him in heaven someday!Explain-
Let's pretend that the cup of milk is us, and the chocolate syrup is Jesus. What is keeping Jesus (the chocolate syrup) from getting inside of us (the milk)? The heart is keeping the chocolate from getting in.
What do we have to do to have Jesus come in? (Open our hearts and pray and ask Him to come in!)
That's right!
Jesus loves us so much, and He died-or got into big trouble-for the bad stuff that WE do. He did that so that we can ask him to be our forever friend, and then when we sin (do things that make God sad) we can ask for forgiveness-and God will forgive us! That means that God washes our sins away! But to do that, we have to open our hearts and pray to Jesus-telling Him that we make mistakes and we are sorry, and that we need His forgiveness. We also ask Jesus to be our forever friend so we can be with Him in heaven someday.
There may be kids who haven't accepted Jesus as their savior. If so, stop right now and ask them if they would like to pray with you. Pray this prayer (can be in your own words)
Dear Jesus, I know that I do things that make you sad. I believe that you died so that the bad things I do can be washed away. Please forgive me for things I've done wrong, and come into my heart and be my forever friend. In Jesus' name, Amen!If your child accepts Jesus as their Savior, take a minute to celebrate! Tell them that angels in heaven celebrate when one person comes to Jesus!
Next-demonstrate what happens when we ask Jesus to be our forever friend.
When we open our hearts and invite Jesus in (remove heart from cup),
He comes in right away (pour some chocolate in).
But, Jesus wants to be our best friend. What do we do with someone who is our best friend? (talk, laugh, play, etc.)