Laura Walters shared this devotion at our last meeting, and it is one that everyone (children and adults) can benefit from.
Materials Needed:
A Bible
small piece of paper
Words written in bold are when you, the parent, are speaking.
Do you ever worry about things? What kinds of things do you worry about? Do you think the Bible has anything to say about worrying?
Look up any/all of these verses:
Matthew 6:25
Matthew 6:27
Matthew 6:34
Philippians 4:6
Psalm 55:22
God wants us to give our worries, fears and concerns to Him.
Take this piece of paper, and write down one or more things you are worried about today.
Now fold it up several times, and put it in the opening of the balloon.
Blow up the balloon, and let the piece of paper fall down into it.
Let's pray, and you can repeat after me, "Lord, I give you my cares and concerns right now. Please take them away, so I don't have to carry them anymore. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Now hold up the balloon and let go of it! (The balloon will zip away as the air pours out of it.) Talk about how this is like God taking our worries away.
Close in prayer together, thanking God for loving us enough to answer our prayers and take our worries away.
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