Monday, July 26, 2010

Things To Celebrate...7/26/10 Through 8/1/10

Monday the 26th~All or Nothing Day, Aunt & Uncle Day
Tuesday the 27th~National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, Bugs Bunny's Birthday (1940)
Wednesday the 28th~National Milk Chocolate Day, Beatrix Potter's Birthday (1866)
Thursday the 29th~Lasagna Day
Friday the 30th~Father-In-Law Day, National Cheesecake Day
Saturday the 31st~Cotton Candy Day
Sunday the 1st~Friendship Day, International Forgiveness Day, MTV debuted on this day in 1981

Celebrate with your children, and then share with us in the comment section. :-)



  1. Ok, Now I am totally jonesin' for lasagna! Too bad it is too hot to bake it. Maybe we'll just have to go to Olive Garden tonight!

  2. Well, on Tuesday I mentioned to the kids that it was Bugs Bunny's birthday. I about died when they asked who that was!!! When I mentioned some of the other characters they remembered him, but I realized that Bugs is becoming a thing of the past. So, I rented a Bugs video at the library. Gotta keep him alive.
