Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just When You Start to Wonder

This summer I started a marble jar for my kids. Everytime they do something they have been asked to do or better yet something possitive without being asked they get to put a marble in their jar. When the jar is full they get to go on a date with Mommy or Daddy.My 5 year old son, Jared, after working for a couple weeks to fill his jar accomplished the task. "Mom! I want to go on a date with you to McDonalds!" he says to me very excited. I think great. McDonalds playland just where I want to spend another hour of my life. Of course, I say you bet buddy.
We went to McDonald's one day before school. It was Jared, his little sister who is 2 and me. We order our food and I set down the tray on the table closest to us and go to fill our drinks. When I come back he and Tessa are sitting at the table very patiently. I say "Jare are we going to go into the playland?" "No Mom. I just want to sit out here with you." he says. So we sat just outside the playland and ate our lunch. Where it was relatively quiet and we could talk about school and other things that are important to my 5 year old.
Just when I was wondering if what I do all day everyday is really worth it. My kids have a way of confirming I am doing just what God has called me to do. Thank God he sends little angels in the form of my children to let me know I am loved by them and they do sometimes need time with just Mom! It makes all the days of discouraging behavior and disrespect seem a little less exhausting! So take some encouragement from me... They get it even if they don't want to!


  1. Love it Karen! I'm so glad you posted this here!

  2. That is just the sweetest thing ever! You are an awesome mom! :-) ~Dawn
