Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things Every Kid Should Do

"We rounded up a bunch of talented, witty, and cool people to share the greatest moments of childhood." - Chris Erikson, (printed in Parents magazine in March 2007)

"Learn to manage your allowance, and think of the best ways to use it." - Donald Trump, billionaire

"Run in the sprinklers. And make sure at least one of your parents runs with you." - Maria Shriver, first lady of California

"Ride a roller coaster. Play tag in the rain." - Dan Zanes, music man

"Watch tadpoles hatch into frogs. Catch and eat your own fish. Learn a bit about astronomy and observe the stars." - Jeff Corwin, wildlife expert

Watch for more "Things Every Kid Should Do" in upcoming months!


  1. What are your favorite moments from childhood?

  2. Going to one of my dad's gigs with him and eating hamburgers there. Sailing with my dad. Decorating for the holidays with my mom. So many more!!
